Ice Rink Supply provides a cutting edge approach to building ice rink and the maintenance of the ice to no less than 70 countries around the world. We design, manufacture, supply and supervise the installation of ice rinks. Along with our combine expertise and knowledge, in the ice rink business since 1966, we have combined these assets to offer you the most advance and innovative services available. We provide rink refrigeration pipes grids, chillers, rink perimeter boards, hockey dasher boards, ice resurfacing machines and other ice maintenance equipment, ice building and ice maintenance products, skates and other ice sports industries accessories. Innovation, Technology and Honesty separates Ice Rink Supply from its competition. Ice Rink Supply rink equipment and products are "engineered, researched, then rink proven!" Our innovation and superior technology puts us "and shoulders" above our competition. We owe our success, spanning six (6) decades of research and development, to hard work, to our loyal customers, and blessings from God.
Our "Next Generation" of high efficiency rink refrigeration pipe grids are the best to be found. The efficiency of our portable pipe grid and our permanent pipe grid cannot be equaled! Ice Rink Supply refrigeration rink pipe grids are as much as 400% more efficient than convention rink pipe grids used by others. With the highest dynamic pipes surface area, IRS has the shortest "heat dwell time in the ice" found in the industry!
Equipment for maintaining your ice rink is of the highest quality and of the best design. Ice Rink Supply provides a complete line of services that includes planning, development, and expert fabrication of your ice rink equipment. IRS will work directly with your architect and project manager to assure a successful world class rink project.
We design, fabricate, supply, and supervise the installation to your rink needs and specifications. Ice Rink Supply's Engineering Division offers "custom design and consultation services". Our engineering department can work up a rink building layout design, MEP: mechanical design, equipment specifications, and plumbing CAD drawings for your rink project, leaving you with a world class working ice rink.
Ice Rink Supply is your one stop shop for your rink needs.